An Interview With Ridley Academy Student Moe Tilus

Who is Moe Tilus?

Moe Tilus is an accomplished individual with a diverse range of interests. He is currently running an insurance agency and a digital marketing agency. Moe also teaches a course on emotional intelligence. In addition, Moe has a deep passion for music and recently embarked on a journey to learn piano through the Ridley Academy. Let’s dive into Moe’s experiences and how music has impacted his life’s dive in.

What's your musical background?

I was born in Brooklyn to immigrant parents, and I am the first generation from Haiti. I was raised in New Jersey.

I took piano lessons as a child. I wanted to honor my parents for their investment in me and finally learn how to play properly.

I knew only five chords as they related to the songs I played in church. I didn’t really understand what I was playing or why I was playing them

Tell me about your experience with traditional music lessons.

I took music lessons when I was younger, and I used to come home late intentionally on those days so I wouldn’t have to go. 

This resulted in an “ass whooping” from my parents, which I had already calculated I would be getting for being late. It was still better than the lesson.

Long story short, I didn’t enjoy those traditional lessons.

How long did you try to learn with lessons or alternative methods before joining the Ridley Academy?

I spent countless years being a beginner and picking up little things from YouTube here and there. But now, I hear and understand music totally differently.

The Ridley Academy, on the other hand, is completely different. Learning how to play so many different songs in such a short time is a game-changer. It has revolutionized my approach to music.

And you ended up giving up the piano, and music, right?

I grew up in the church, and my father was a reverend. He was also a music director in his country, and his passion for music has always been one of my prime motivations for pursuing it.

I started with music singing in the choir, and then when I got old enough, I learned piano. Eventually, that passion turned into rap.

I actually gave up music because I thought it was the “mature” thing to do.

I went without music for over a decade. Almost 15 years.

What made you want to get back into music?

I decided to learn piano again to honor my parents, and the next day I saw an ad for the Ridley Academy. It felt like a divine sign.

I wanted to play for them on my 40th birthday this year, and I’m on pace to do pretty well!

As I’ve improved, the possibilities have expanded. It’s become so much more than that.

How was your journey through the Ridley Academy?

I have been with Ridley Academy for five months. It has been amazing from the start. I quickly learned so much and in such a short period of time.

The extent of what I learned far outweighed the investment.

I was able to learn every major and minor scale in less than 10 minutes, something I thought was impossible and never dreamed of achieving.

One of my favorite aspects is the online group where we can post videos and receive encouragement from others on this journey.

Tell me about the Facebook group. How did it change your learning experience?

The Facebook group has allowed me to have a library of my progress in one place. I receive positive comments from other participants, and I learn from others who share their videos. It’s also a great way to listen to different styles of music. 

And hearing the testimonies of others and understanding their motivations has been inspiring.

Where are you at now? What is your relationship with music like?

Playing the piano has become therapeutic for me. It’s like instant meditation in motion. 

I see myself performing very soon and everywhere possible. I want to share this gift with the world. It has opened up new possibilities and potentially another source of income.

If someone wanted to learn to play music, what advice would you give them?

I would tell them that I learned more about music and piano in 30 days with the Ridley Academy than in all my previous music experiences. 

So, go for it, take it seriously, and enjoy the results.

You can find Moe’s YouTube channel here.

The Ridley Academy has thousands of successful students from all over the world. 

Check out some more Ridley Academy Student Reviews here.

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